This is an e-mail I sent to my colleagues of Roundtable. After the 1st annual dinner on last Monday, there are things that we should think about.
Jim Sir published an article on MingPao today, and I really think we should rethink the image of Roundtable, and what we are actually doing.
I remember when we were forming roundtable a year ago, Simon once told us that he hated to be called elite, and didn't want elitism become the ideology of roundtbale. I totally agreed with that, and frankly, I hate to be called elite either. Firstly I really don't think that I am elite of any kind, and secondly this word sounds really arrogant and shallow. But when time goes by, sometimes we may get excited when appearing on mass media or being known by famous ppl, or even being famous ourselves. But at the same time, it's also important to ask ourselves, what have we actually done? Are we actually doing any good to the society? Are we making something moving? Are we pushing the society towards 'civil society'?
I think Roundtable does have the potential, but we do have to avoid being some young intellectuals that are NO DIFFERENT to those elderly that we don't want to be. Middle class, talk only, potential politicians? Or humanistic, enthusiastic, faithful? Let's think about it.